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更新时间:2025-03-24 20:22:14
  • 单语例句

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1. I read about his story in a bilingual book published by the Children Cancer Fund of Hong Kong.

2. But someone with cognitive problems might say it means you have to read a book to know what is in it.

3. Read a book to understand the importance of " saving " vs " compound interest growth ".

4. As a child, she had read about the country in Tin Tin's Blue Lotus adventure book.

5. He started after he read some advice in a book and tried giggling after quarreling with his wife to relax.

6. I have read a book titled Dead Aid written by an African woman writer.

7. For those who did not read the book, the revelation would elicit a full spectrum of emotions.

8. This book is a worthwhile read for anyone interested in financial planning.

9. Fowler didn't need much persuasion once he began to read the book, a voluminous novel running to over 500 pages in the translated version.

10. Readers scan a page of book and put the storage card into a speaker, then the book will be read aloud.

1. You read the book, I think you have a fundamental judgment.

2. When I'm free or in trouble, I always take out a book and read quietly.

3. In this summer holidays, I have read a book.

4. I would like to read a book.

5. read a book

5. I like to read a book when I have time to myself.


6. I would like to read a book this evening.

7. I`d like to read a book.

8. I'd like to read a book on/about animals.

9. read a book的近义词

9. I can read you like a book.

10. read a book的近义词

10. Many people have read the book I bought you a few years ago in San Francisco, but few people have read this new book.

11. You would rather stay at home and read a good book than go to a party.

12. read a book的翻译

12. At the foot of the snowy mountains, our Russian-style villas are surrounded by a jujube orchard behind, bamboos beside and redleaf cherry plums in front of their windows. Once you enter the villas made of deals that are 20cm in diameter, you smell faint scent from the deals. You sit in the soft couches with your intimates or loved ones; sip coffee or black tea; chat while smiling; talk about your life; or sit on a step made of deals and read a book. At such a moment, you want nothing but the very moment.

13. read a book的解释

13. I find television very educational. Every time someone switches it on I go into another room and read a good book.

14. read a book

14. Please give the child a picture-book to read.

15. If he have to read a picture book which teaches him how to be a good student, it will be boring for him.

16. I will put up my feet up and read a book.


17. I`m not going. ___ I will put up my feet up and read a book.

18. I read this book when I was still a young single gal.

19. read a book的反义词

19. When I was sitting to read the book, I heard that someone complained that as the worker was a sand of bag which every one could smash it.

20. It was appointed that the book should shut with a spring for ever and for ever when I had read but a page.

Read a book, and read carefully.(读一本书,并仔细阅读。)
I can read a book.(我会读书。)
He will read a book tomorrow.(他打算明天读本书。)
He read a book.(他读完了一本书。)
Read a book. Take a course at school.(找一本书来读一下,或者在学校里面参加一门课程。)
Read a book on a new subject.(读一本关于某一门新学科的书。)
I just read a book and learn a lot.(我刚读了一本书,学到了很多。)
Read a book or a comic book every month.(每个月读一本书或一本漫画书。)
When did you last read a book?(你上一次读书又是什么时候?)
Have you ever even read a book?(你都没有读过什么书吗?)
read a book是什么意思 read a book在线翻译 read a book什么意思 read a book的意思 read a book的翻译 read a book的解释 read a book的发音 read a book的同义词